I was thoroughly pleased
and disappointed all at the same time when I heard that Chris Brown plead guilty yesterday in a California courtroom with Rhianna present. Crazy huh? A part of me is proud of him sorting out this melee and handling this as a businessman and a man. I wasn't there the night in question, though I just had hoped somehow because of his cheating ways she had went all upside his head causing him to run over a few mailboxes and a stop-sign before he got out and ended all that. I hope that she got in a few good ones that he'll remember. His guilty plea has left a sour taste in my mouth that nothing but a refreshing open courtTV OJ styled battle fitted with celebrity witness testimony/ comedy could remedy. Damn.
Rhianna looked great, her hair especially. She was there fully ready to tes-ti-fy! Looked ready to tell it all, every last gushy detail. I wasn't on her side at first. I had hoped she went ballistic, busting him in his head with her phone, grabbing the wheel, shifting the gears of the car in the struggle, even taking off her shoes and using them as a weapon.........something ubberly surpassing the photo of
her with the devil horns. Pictures of Chris never came out, but some great nude
photos of Rhi did,
Thanks Chris. I still say that I could see her antagonizing Chris at the Pre-Grammy party on the evening the fight happened.
His childish body language spoke volumes. You could tell he was pissed, mad he had to come and with her. But she put on a show, smiling, placing her arm around Chris, hugging him. It was
over and she was pushing it.
Shame he did that girl like that and the only restitution from his plea is a lengthy probation and a stay-away order. They say some women's groups still want to crucify him, but I will put this one to rest and move on. Good luck ya'll two.
that nothing but a refreshing open courtTV OJ styled battle fitted with celebrity witness testimony/ comedy could remedy. Damn.
LOL! Fool, you crazy. I had a few other LOL moments in this post. LOL!