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February 06, 2009

Spoke Too Soon! I would like to recant some of the statements I made yesterday concerning Etta James and Beyonce. Like Will Smith in Wild Wild West "I Shoot Now, Shoot some more. and then after everybody is dead I decide to ask a question or two", I spoke too soon. A few days ago a notable read was passed my way (by a someone we'll call DJ Smokie) about Beyonce being the devil. If you haven't read it please do so now: Beyonce is the Devil Although I had read it, I hadn't done my research and I think my mind was changed this morning as I began researching a few of the points The LatterDays Blog made. So bump my last entry about Solange ripping Etta a new hole. I was wrong. Etta should have hauled her whole band behind Barack and Michelle to sing her song. Simply said - taking what is not yours is wrong. Don't get it twisted - I'm not a member of 'Team Etta' either. She still said some very inexcusable things about our President Barack Obama (his ears, and him not being her president). I still meant what I said about Etta needing to be happy, and that if she could have wrote Cadilac Records, starred in, produced, edited, and turn it into a musical she would! It's no longer about pride, not even sure if its about doing the right thing - It's about the Beyonce being the Devil, and is why I'm not going to read her too much, because I don't need the Devil riding me all day and night. I'll just provide the links to a few places one might look if they needed a little convincing. The root of the name Sasha, Who Sekhmet was, the left eye of Horus (or the all seeing eye), the doublemindedness, etc.....were all worthy of a second look. I was convinced, and now I'm mad! Oh how I enjoyed watching and dancing to her videos! How I enjoyed the music! Its all over now, because I don't fool with the Devil.

1 comment:

  1. Heeeey, I love the new layout. Great post too. Can't wait to click on the links! To anyone who is reading this: I used to love Beyonce so much. ~sad face~

