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July 07, 2010

A new Venture...

yeah yeah...been a while...gettin' it from everywhere.

It's crazy how people comment to me about my blog but won't click on the comment button and say it there, why? It used to burn me felt like no one was reading and my blogged thoughts were in vain....but no. I have some readers, thanks.

Okay so I'm inspired. Yes, again....I wanna do some film projects. I've been writing but I don't know what the hell I'm doing, and even got a camera, but don't have anything to film. I don't want to mimic anyone, and I don't want to follow the same path as I'm sure many others that conform to what the audience thinks is interesting or funny.

Nardwaur the Human Serviette interviews like none other and does so with taste, revealing surprisingly very human facts about celebrities. What is entertaining for me about him is how quirky he is...the whole voice, coupled with the attire...yeah, very funny.

I'm inspired...I think I could do something, not sure what...but, something.

I have an opinion that many of you don't agree with, but what I appreciate is the reasoning of the other side. I don't always agree with the other side, I agree both ways mostly. I don't have to be left or right, I have no problem being grey.

There are great films out there, why Tyler Perry is still whirling around in a dress...not sure. The thoughts of grown black women and men is far beyond slapstick, racial comparison jokes, Vulgar VH1, and BET Bullshit. I talk politics. I like history and culture. I like literature, I read dammit. My limit is not comedy and sex.

I hope to do something soon...If you have any ideas or would like to be in know what to do...yeah, hit comment, lol!


  1. Very interesting documentary on the oil spill.

    Hey, if you have the camera, I will travel. I can just be your assistant.

  2. u've been recruited....and geuse what? you get on the job training! Thanks D...

