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June 03, 2010

Oil and Water

First, I wanted to say that I am sorry to the animals and those that thrive on the Gulf of Mexico's animal population. I'm sorry because I need oil to commute and cool and heat my home.
Things are so complicated do I conserve more so that I wont contribute to the overwhelming demand for the earth's natural resources? Drive what type of car? cool my house how? heat my water how? I have always been conscious of the earth depleting resources, and the waste created by humans, but it feels like God is somehow communicating loudly and clearly with the inhabitants of the earth pleading for change. We really need to make solar energy more affordable, develop wind energy, and raise awareness of the true status of the oil availability and the effects of it's use.
Many people are saying BP is to blame, some say Obama, well I say I'm to blame, you're to blame, We are all guilty and should pay the consequence. I drove clear across town the other day in an attempt to eat some bacon wrapped shrimp, drove to Dallas recently for a party, and drive 45 minutes to La Marque to see my son nearly every week. Needless to say I'm cutting way back. I'm finding a recipe for grilled bacon-wrapped shrimp online, and road trips are up in the air this summer, my son is going to have to come and stay here or stay down there. I'm gathering a list of other tweaks too, mostly to conserve responsibly.
Conservation is a lonely road though. Most people are turned off when I talk conservation, but if none else works I know that when a hole is ripped in the sky and everything burns up, I will know it was prolonged just that much by me not driving the 610 Loop in the middle of the night to get out of the house.
So much has happened recently that I actually can call it, the world is in peril. Hurricanes Katrina and Ike, Haiti's Earthquake, Obama's Election, a few personal problems, and now the Gulf of Mexico's oil disaster......We're surely destroying this world, and I just hope that it's demise can be prolonged by everyone coming together in agreeance and making some conservative changes.

Here's a few things you can do too:

  • Recycle

  • Lower your water heater temperature

  • Hang your clothes out to dry

  • Stay at home and play a board game

  • Turn off the lights

  • Stop buying plastic and throwing it away

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