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June 11, 2010

Diva Anita Baker lost her groove.....

It says somewhere that we must respect our elders. I agree. But does it say near that same place 'know your limitations'?
Just asking...because Anita Baker sounds like herself but it's obvious her skills have diminished. Which brought me to thinking that it's plainly obvious that you attack your opportunity when it presents itself, when, if ever, it returns the situation is always a little askew, lol! yes, askew.

Nita is still my girl,but she could have graced us with just one last album, just a few hits, before bowing out. But to return decades later to be pitchy and out of practice, butchering, yes, butchering the National Anthem at a venue like the NBA Finals? I'll pass.

Some divas have held onto it. Look at Janet and Price, lol! Seriously....Gladys Knight still sounds good. Patti sounds great! Mary J. Blige is getting up there and still sounds the same. I'm not so rigid to not allow personal effect on your career, have them, but keep your voice.

Whitney has totally disappointed me with her highly anticipated comeback. The music was okay, but she really didn't appear learned and recovered, just hungry and appeasing. Be a diva dammit! That grand display is motivation for us all, don't be drunk, don't be high, don't be a mess under a wig. Work out, practice, stay with the fashion, be a master of the social scene, and when you're caught slipping do it in a way so that every woman can feel the root of it. Slap someone?

Smooth it back out and smile.
Get wasted?

make it look fun...
When you fall

Having to gather yourself and come back to entertain is the business. Don't get in it if you're not going to see it through. I'm the audience and I want to be encouraged, provoked in thought, made to clap my hands, grind my hips, sing, laugh, cry, gossip about you, spread your rumors, wonder if you really are a shipwreck or completely perfect.....ya know be entertained. Be on your job....


  1. I agree totally with your words, but I don't think Anita did a poor job. She Anita. Check out a clearer version here:

  2. nah...she has sounded good in her...well, interesting voice sounding way. I'm mad you made me listen to her again :(

    You have plans this weekend?

