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July 23, 2009

Hair Don'ts?

So where does it say that you can't take risks, stand apart, follow your own drum? I enjoyed years of doing exactly as I wanted with my hair...cutting it short, weaving it, coloring it, whatever I wanted. I was super bald-headed at one point, at another honey blonde, another 17 inch wet n' wavy. So I'm like whatever when a woman shocks the crowd with a hair style change. 'tis life, right? I guess not. Because people are all in a tizzy over Cassie's, Solange's, and Angel Murphy's hair. Not me. Do as you please. You want to perm it, lay it flat - right on. You wanna flip a wig - go right on head. You feel the need to put in some braids and pin it up in a myriad of ways or let em' hang - you have my vote. Do what feels good to you. True, all that changing and cutting does indicate some levels of self mutilation and identity issues, but once in a while just spices things up. If this makes no sense then you must enjoy the ho-hum life, that's fine. But I like the edge. Feels good that at a moments notice this dye might singe all my hair off and I'd have to rock a wig until it comes back. My Caucasoid sisters don't have these problems to worry with so this is surely angled at those bearing wavy kinky nappy tendrils. Now what I can't enjoy is this thing Mel B. has done to that pretty baby girl. Angel didn't ask for that and if Mel wanted to show so individuality, she should have hooked herself up not the innocent little baby girl. But again whatev. Update: Solange Twittered that she don't care what people think at all:
listen. if. i. wanted. to. make. a. statement. i. would. have. twitpic’d. photo shoot. ect. i. was. simply. taking. my. son. to. school.stupid. paps. took. pic. ive. had. my. hair. cut. like. this. for. two. weeks. i. was. NOT. inspired. by anyone. but. my. self. i. have. done. this. twice. in. my. life. i. was 16. i was 18. did. not care about your opinion. then. dont. care. now.dont. need. your. attention. or. your. co-sign. i am #3. trending topic. before. IRAN. &. some of you cant even locate it on a map. its sad.dont. want. a. edge. up. or a perm. because. im not trying. to make this “a style” or a statement. i. just. wanted. to. be. free. from. the. bondage. that. black. women sometimes. put. on. themselves. with. hair.this. phase. of. my. life. i. want to spend . the time. the energy. and the money. on something else. not in the hair not. mad. at . all of you. that have made your opinions known. and have sent negative. energy. my way. i expected this of have. the right to have. an do. i.ONLY reason i responded to this i have is because i was disappointed to see my name more talked about then #iranelection we. gotta. do. better. people.happy. happy. joy. joy “im no soul girl quipped with no afro, im just my god given name. giggles at the word “rant”… im about to eat roscoes chicken and waffles with julezy and my buddies. not a rant in sight. sighs.
co-sign XLeslie Tyler


  1. Good points. BUT I dare you to go bald now. ;-)

  2. Those are good points but we all react when someone cuts their hair off like that and I don't care who you are....mailwoman, teacher, McDs drive thru chick...same deal. Most black women have trouble growing their hair so some think it's crazy to cut it for any reason other than cancer but Solange made a good point.

  3. Solange's hair hid some imperfection. now that I look twice...she really can't sing, dance or act, she looks old, has a double chin, AND wears green lipstick...Not as lyrically cold as she thinks she is. She better graduate to better music with all this attitude she's wearing.

