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March 09, 2009

For this being the monday after spring-forward I'm feeling aight. I spent some time with my family this weekend, some romantic time with my man, and did some shopping. Better than some recent lackluster feelings of boredom and frustration. It's been three years since I got married and admitting that is is hard is easy - it is identifying the culprits that's hard. I thought one problem was that we never go anywhere. But infact it's that I get bored easily. It's a problem I have always had, but I guessed I would shed once I got older and more mature. not so. I quickly pick up most anything, sequential processes, theories, hobbies, anything tactile, anything. If I can view the steps I can surely recreate it within a few tries. But after I master something I move on. So I struggle with doing anything with constancy. Things just bore me, and it's all becuase I'm so talented. true. Disciplined life bores me. It is the culprit to why I put great books down, never finish poems, songs or stories in my head. It's happend with religeon, college, my interest in hair, one day - even this blog......Not family though - I do that with rhythm. I looked around the internet and I found a few noteworthy things to try:
Try Absolute Solitude For A Couple of Hours Absolute solitude, without human contact, cellphones, computers, television, books or magazines, could perhaps be one of the most boring things you have done in a long time, but the purpose is to find out what you want to do. You have to fill that time, and after a couple of hours, half a day or so you might have done some good interrupted thinking, and this might help you in the long run to battle boredom. It is not dangerous (in most cases) to be bored, learn from the experience. Try To Find Out What Makes You Happy If you lack self-awareness it is more likely that you will become bored. Lack of self-awareness can also make you feel a profound sense of meaninglessness. Question yourself and take a look at yourself. Observe and note your thoughts and feelings, and reflect upon your life. When do you get bored? When are you not bored? What do you like? Some people are more prone to boredom than others, are you one of them? Try to find the answers within yourself. Remember that is what you like. It is whatever you find interesting, pleasing, or satisfying. Use Boredom To Get Motivated Be creative and use mental images to stimulate your thoughts. Being bored can motivate you do try something new, or perhaps even invent something new. It is important to be able to entertain yourself and to avoid easy solutions and entertainments. We are surrounded by passive entertainments such as television, iPods, and computer games. Taking active part in activities such as playing games, sport, a musical instrument, are more likely to help to develop ways to cope with boredom. Change Your Thoughts Your thoughts can actually change your behaviour. Changing your mind about things will create a different attitude. Being bored is in your mind; you cannot look at the world and say that it is boring. Try to remember when you were not bored, when you were completely engaged in an activity. It seems like those who are fully focused on the present are the happiest. Engaging in the present and appreciating the things you are doing will make you forget about boredom. Start with little things, focus on your experience while engaged in a routine task, and then spend less and less time thinking about the past or the future. Disengaged people get bored, so take part in life. Fullness of experience makes you less bored, not focusing on future goals or achievements, or buying new things. Accept The Situation and Free Your Mind Fully accepting whatever situation you are in and making the most of it is one way to conquer the feelings of boredom. You can either resist the activity and do something else, or accept it and embrace the situation. Unchain yourself and remember that freedom is in your mind.
I am willing, so I won't assume that these things too will bore me. I am embracing the entire revolution - the change as well.

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