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February 23, 2011

Lybian Egyptian Evolution - Outting Mubarak & al-Gaddafi

Lybia is feeling the rippling liberation spreading through the middle east in the wake of Cairo protesters demanding the resignation of Hosni Mubarak, their president since 1981 (hardly two years after I was born). Mubarak's resignation on February 11, 2010 is an indication that corrupt and oil wealthy leaders of the middle east are in their last stages and that democracy is near.
Lybia's Leader and Guide of the Revolution, Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi has been in office since 1969, and is accused of genocide and other crimes against humanity by his own regime, but vows to fight to the last drop of blood after the Lybian Opposition has taken control over most towns.
These leaders are sour I'm sure. Mubarak is rumored to have cancer and slipping in and out of consciousness, writing his memoirs and bidding farewell...requesting to die as a martyr. al-Gaddafi on the other hand is preparing to sabotage the oil industry by blowing up pipelines, using his wealth and his remaining 5,000 loyal troops to fight for a very long time, vowing to turn Lybia into another Somalia.
A few weeks ago I overheard a conversation by three men discussing why they aren't really supporting the uprising in Egypt, saying that the Egypt protesters didn't support the blacks in America during the Civil right movement. How petty.
People aren't separated by language, race, religion or boundaries, but to me, by culture...who gathers together in tough times. And I, as a black single-mother in Houston Texas, United States support the people having a chance to command their own lives, and spell out for themselves what makes them happy. I encourage them to continue to assess the current state and address their needs together, thinking through each possible scenario carefully.
I wait for North Korea, China, Sudan, Burma, Haiti, Uzbekistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Eritrea, Cuba, Syria, Vietnam, and Ethiopia...Come forward.
The time is now. Leaders like Idi Amin, Saddam Hussein, Adolf Hitler, Stalin, Jean-Claude Duvalier, and the 1st through 15th American presidents deserved to be contested. Wrong deserves to be righted.
I'm impressed and hope everyone gets a chance in life to live happily.

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