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June 11, 2014

Lakers' Sterling not Free to Speak

Where did freedom of speech run off to? what happened to calling spades 'spades' or telling it like it T-I-Z? LA Lakers owner Donald Sterling recently came under fire for using the word with his girlfriend which was recorded and then publicly released. The recording wasn't the most offensive statement I have ever heard and was somewhat soft considering lynchings, attack dogs and water hoses.

It is simply a glimpse into the narrowing racist mind that hopes for separatism and privacy. Obviously those sentiments are well reserved for those that dont require a paycheck from an company with established ethical policies. In that mind a brotherhood exists to use the n-word and share the same racist ideas without exposure which almost always leads to african americans protesting or boycotting and sharing opinions online or in the media.

To me, the real protest should begin within our own race. Yes, affecting or modifying our own behaviors to exclude the use of the word entirely. Otherwise, we are but a hypocritical people without personal experience of slavery, complaining of a fraudulent hurt of oppression. Reasoning that blacks are still truly hurt by oppression, leads to inquiry of how the n-word term was embraced in our current culture.

The word has been present since slavery. It was used to identify blacks. Over time the word was ignorantly internalized and equated to iNnapropriate behavior, ignorance, loud boastfullness, risky choices, and short sightedness...basically, the impulsive and uneducated.

I wasn't allowed to use the n-word growing up but I did with friends. Only becuase it was a word we could use with other blacks that somehow showed solidarity and brother/sisterhood, and identified the gender as male...(females were b-words, which could be said about any woman). We always knew other races couldn't use it. So I could never totally understand how blacks could use it. But using the n-word is not nearly as bad as the thoughts rotating in the heads of many people that often are fed images of blacks killing each other, using drugs, relaxing on government assistance, having babies, not contributing to society, weighing down advancing blacks, etc.

The media refuses to report the advancing or average black truths, but would rather force or drive the reckless negative aspects of black society. The result is an overall perception that all american blacks are short sighted, violent, unintellegent, hypersexual, self-denegrating and lazy (among other things).

I have been burned by whites, by a Punjabi, by women, by men, banks, corporations, blacks (especially), family, friends, random many, and all colors. Many of whom are black and I still keep speaking to blacks. But when the N word drops from the lips of a white person, blacks come charging ready to fight racism. Al Sharpton, Quanell X, Farrakhan, Brother Delloyd Parker will be the first on the scene to fight against the word, but blacks need to show up picketing other blacks from saying it casually and on other sources of recorded media that we use as entertainment.

The n word and negative feelings about blacks are a cancer or leech onto blacks overcoming in america. There are plenty post slavery africans succeeding in America, however, there is a class of blacks that accept the n-word, embrace the violence, the drug life, emprisonment, oppression, hypersexuality and subjection without much struggle and live with it and around the system. This is usually the source of the media attention that exploit blacks for the worlds desire to view blacks under oppression.

Despite the negative attention, there are plenty blacks aware of the world perception of 'us' and do nothing to change the perception but only change the truth, within themselves and in their homes. I appreciate them. Because I am tired of american blacks being the precursor or leaders in music, dance, fashion, sports, and popular slang, etc....always under scope...and hardly ever leading in any industry domination. Let them that wish to, entertain...they will be lost to that insatiable beast.

They Have Ears, but They Hear Not

Eyes Have They, but They See Not

My opinion is not the strongest. I dont want to fight. I don't want to judge. I am no judge. I have my own faults that have more of my attention, BUT blacks do aggrivate the situation by using the word so often, what matter of time will it be before the perception of blacks and use of the n-word is main street, ethical, daytime America?

Either way, we are living in a country where freedom of speech is lawful, I cant fully understand the persecution of the oppressor for his speech when we do not persecute our own for the same usage of terms. With each hateful expression there are a million kept in secret by not only blacks or whites, and by every censorship gripes are silenced and separatism/racial hatred is growing...

Rev 4:18
Come out of her, my people,’
    so that you will not share in her sins,
    so that you will not receive any of her plagues

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