They take the pompous road vesting themselves in fault, claim every indescretion, take any blame out there. Then they claim they care about the wife's embarressment, looking sullen and over-shamed. But secretly, deep down - they couldn't care less. Glad, if any emotion at all, they got what they did when they did and glad everything didn't get out. The whores are of no consideration - like tramps in the street (well...), couldn't care less who they tell or how they were led on, how broken their hearts are.
I say bullshit.
I'm glad Elan wasn't there. Hell, he didn't need her support when he was running hookers from Vegas to Miami. I'm glad she went upside his head after she found out, good for her. But what's sad is that some women attract cheaters, cheaters see your green young tail coming - calling you 'babygirl' and 'PYT', lol! She surprised him, and I'm glad.
Skrew Tiger and m'er f'ers like him.
Smileing.......sorry for the shrapnel, lol! I just hate this Tiger Woods circus - they had the focus on him on the weekend we should have been celebrating Malcome X's holiday....