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October 06, 2009

Roman Polanski's arrest............

I remember talk about Roman Polanski when I was 10 or so and as my mother and another lady were talking I thought this guy was out of the ordinary, or at least odd. If you don't know who Roman Polanski is, click here.

In conversation with a man the other day, about why the Olympics chose Rio, we both agreed one reason may have been that our Criminal Justice system just arrests everyone for nearly anything. This came to mind when I heard that Roman Polanski was near extradition to the US to finally receive his sentence for r aping a young girl in 1977. More than 30 years, and we expected to have Bin Laden's head by now. This is a facade that the US has us living under. They make you think they are doing their jobs, but it takes decades to incarcerate a man, not in hiding, for the r ape a 13 year old girl. I enjoyed Rosemary's Baby, and The Pianist, great movies - but dangit if I didn't even realize these movies were directed by this grossass man. I guess it's no different than how the R. Kelly trial was avoided. Now the woman nearly in her 50's says that now he should be set free, and that he no longer is a threat. What a waste.

This man has been traveling all over Europe for over 30 years directing movies and accepting awards for this and that thing - speaking, Sad. Money and class can be your temporary saving grace. It's crazy though, he thought he'd only get probation but he fled when he found out it might be some prison time plus deportation. You know how I feel about minorities needlessly incarcerated for petty crimes, so this particular situation burns me deep.

Burning me deeper is that criminals flee all the time from our justice system. I'm no anti-Christ, not at all pushing for our world to be governed by one court, but there has to be a better way of punishing people for the crimes they commit. Prison just doesn't cut it. You sit behind walls for a long time while some company charges the state through the roof to house and feed you, you read and exercise, chill really - until someone says it's time to go. Says to me that any traveler can come and r ape, murder, steal, whatever - and just leave.


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